Friday, May 14, 2010

BullsBearsV1.0 Excel Tool

The main functions of this Excel-based tool:

  1. Bulls vs. Bears Scoring System
  2. SP500 Price Behavior Daily Summary Table
  3. Jeff Augen Price Behavior Plot for Individual Stock

(1) Bulls vs. Bears Scoring System

This will generate the same plot I publish daily in
my blog.

Column A is a list of stocks from which the bulls
and bears scores are averaged

Cell B1 is the benchmark symbol:

The Market Bulls vs. Bears Screen:


You can use the same concept to apply another list
of stocks, for example, if the bulls vs bears system apply to NASDAQ100:


Or, you can use your own list of stocks in “Others”

 (2) SP500 Price Behavior Summary Table:

 This is the same table I publish daily in my blog. It summarizes the
price behavior for SP
500 stocks for the day.


(3) Jeff Augen Price Behavior Plot for Individual

 Just click the symbols in Column A or type the symbol in Cell B1,
you will get the Jeff Augen price change behavior plot.

All the above will require data from the internet.
This is download data sheet:


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