Friday, May 28, 2010

Bulls vs. Bears and Market Summary on 28-MAY-2010

Short Term Bulls vs. Bears Scoring System

Short-term buy signal: Bulls>Bears and Bulls>=25; Sell signal: Bears>Bulls and Bears>=25Signal History
Comments: The last 15 minutes action tells me nobody wants to hold stocks over the long weekend. As I warned yesterday, the bulls vs bears model could be a whipsaw signal. As planned, I sold many naked index puts today. Today's pullback is still healthy. As long as no more bad news from europe over the weekend, I expect the market to go higher. But nowadays, it seems that bad news from europe could come in any minute.  However, I am still bullish for the short term.
Thanks for visiting, Have a great weekend.
Summary of S&P 500 Stocks Daily Price Change Behavior Model 5/28/2010
Type of Daily Move# of StocksPercent of all stocksAvg MoveSymbols of the Moves
UP over 2 STD0.0Click here to show stocks
UP between 1 to 2 STD20.41.08Click here to show stocks
UP between 0 to 1 STD6212.420.26
DOWN between 0 to 1 STD40280.56-0.48
DOWN between 1 to 2 STD285.61-1.3Click here to show stocks
DOWN over 2 STD51-2.58Click here to show stocks
Total # of UP Moves6412.830.29
Total # of DOWN Moves43587.17-0.56

How to read this table
Intermediate Term Market Mode
Long Term ZigZag View of SPY

Comments: Volume is lower than yesterday, which is good news for the bulls.
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