Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bulls vs. Bears and Market Summary on 24-SEP-2010

Short Term Bulls vs. Bears Scoring System

Short-term buy signal: Bulls>Bears and Bulls>=25; Sell signal: Bears>Bulls and Bears>=25Signal History
Comments: looks like another leg up is coming.

For the bullbears excel users, the yahoo downloader has been updated, you can continue to use old version to download data. If you do update to new version, please rename the executale from yloader.exe to ydownloaderpr.exe, you may also need update the path to the yloader.exe in the bullbears excel sheet.

Summary of S&P 500 Stocks Daily Price Change Behavior Model 9/26/2010
Type of Daily Move# of StocksPercent of all stocksAvg MoveSymbols of the Moves
UP over 2 STD11723.452.41Click here to show stocks
UP between 1 to 2 STD27354.711.52Click here to show stocks
UP between 0 to 1 STD9619.240.64
DOWN between 0 to 1 STD91.8-0.32
DOWN between 1 to 2 STD40.8-1.31Click here to show stocks
DOWN over 2 STD0.0Click here to show stocks
Total # of UP Moves48697.391.56
Total # of DOWN Moves132.61-0.62

How to read this table
Intermediate Term Market Mode
Long Term ZigZag View of SPY

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