Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bulls vs. Bears and Market Summary on 13-OCT-2010

Short Term Bulls vs. Bears Scoring System

Short-term buy signal: Bulls>Bears and Bulls>=25; Sell signal: Bears>Bulls and Bears>=25Signal History

Another good day for the bulls. Any pullbacks should be viewed as buying opportunities as long as the bulls scores are higher.

Thank you all for your continued supports for this blog.

Summary of S&P 500 Stocks Daily Price Change Behavior Model 10/13/2010
Type of Daily Move# of StocksPercent of all stocksAvg MoveSymbols of the Moves
UP over 2 STD224.42.6Click here to show stocks
UP between 1 to 2 STD12925.81.33Click here to show stocks
UP between 0 to 1 STD24448.80.5
DOWN between 0 to 1 STD8416.8-0.36
DOWN between 1 to 2 STD173.4-1.4Click here to show stocks
DOWN over 2 STD40.8-2.3Click here to show stocks
Total # of UP Moves395790.89
Total # of DOWN Moves10521-0.61

How to read this table
Intermediate Term Market Mode
Long Term ZigZag View of SPY

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